A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Nanovox, LLC in July, 2022 for $139,997.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
Microlens arrays optimized for efficiently coupling optical power onto photonic integrated circuits (PICs) will be developed using a gradient index (GRIN) optics inkjet print additive manufacture technology platform. In the Phase I base program, after working with stakeholders to refine the application requirements, low-loss, low-aberration, aperture-matched anamorphic (axis dependent) lenslet designs will be optimized and shown by simulation to meet the solicited requirements. Achromatic optical materials will then be synthesized and small-sized microlens arrays will be fabricated and characterized using holographic interferometry, profilometry, and point spread function analysis. The measured performance will be demonstrated to match simulation. In the Phase I Option, 100 x 100 and 200 x 200 element arrays, sized larger than 1-cm x 1-cm, will be fabricated, and their measured performance will be shown to meet the solicited performance. Preliminary reliability and environmental testing will be performed.