SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The Navy seeks new and innovative data tether deployment modules for use in a variety of sonobuoys for anti-submarine warfare (ASW). These new data tether modules will feature high-data-rate, full-duplex communications to provide high resolution, high fidelity telemetry between the suspended payload and the surface unit. In addition to providing a data link, the tether must act as the mechanical tether to suspend the payload during the duration of operations. To meet the needs of the Navy, Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation (NASC) and partner Aurora Optics, Inc., plan to develop the HIDAR (HIgh DAta Rate) Tether Module. The HIDAR Tether will feature a strengthened fiber optic tether (the HIDAR Tehter), spooled into a cable packed and held in a deployment canister or frame, and a modular electronics unit (the HIDAR Electronics Unit, or HEU), with a flexible interface that allows different types of buoys to be conndected to the HIDAR module.