A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to N.P. PHOTONICS, INC. in February, 2022 for $600,000.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
High energy lasers at 2 microns are in great demand for industrial material processing and directed energy weapon systems for defense and security. NP Photonics is a pioneer in the design and fabrication of highly doped optical fibers and the development of high-performance fiber lasers at 2 microns. In this program, we propose to develop a scalable high-efficiency high-energy Ho-doped germanate fiber laser at 2 microns in-band pumped by Tm-doped fiber lasers at 1950 nm. During the Phase I program, we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of fabricating high-efficiency kW-class fiber lasers at 2 microns. In Phase II we will focus on fabricating large-mode-area Tm-doped and Ho-doped germanate fibers and developing high-energy fiber lasers at 2 microns with improved efficiencies. In Phase II Options I and II, we will focus on developing in-band pumped high-efficiency 2-micron kW-class fiber lasers meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Navy’s applications.