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Dictionaries interpret the meaning of the word "kurgan" in different ways, translating it from various languages. Literally translated from Turkish, kurgan means "fortress". Sometimes it is called a hillock over an ancient burial ground, a burial ground, a hill or a small hill. In the Tatar sense, the word "kurgan" can be just a hill and a bulk hillock; an ancient grave; an ice slide rushing across the sea (iceberg); a metal jug that has a spout, handle and lid; a kubgan, or kungan, or even more correctly, a kumgan; a bakaldina with water. Translated from the ancient Turkic language, the meaning of the word "mound" is "hill" or "embankment". The Sumerians called the mounds with the words "kur-an" and "kur-gal", that is, "mountain of heaven" or "great mountain". And also the mounds are maarami, hills, Lithuanian graves. - Read more on FB.ru : https://fb.ru/article/162191/chto-takoe-kurganyi-znachenie-slova-kurgan
The Burial Mounds Cemetery in Marietta, Ohio is a historic cemetery built around the base of the prehistoric Adena mound known as the Great Mound or Cone. The founders of the cities preserved a Large Mound from destruction, creating a city cemetery around it in 1801.
The city of Marietta was founded in 1788 by pioneers from Massachusetts, shortly after the American Revolutionary War and the organization of the Northwest Territory. Many of the founders were Revolutionary War officers who received federal land grants for military service. Among the high - ranking officers buried in the cemetery are Generals Rufus Putnam and Benjamin Tupper , founders of the Ohio Company of Associates ; as well as Commodore Abraham Whipple and Colonel William Stacy . The cemetery contains the largest number of burials of American officers of the Revolutionary War in the country.
The large conical mound in the Burial Mounds Cemetery is part of the Hopewell Burial Mound complex in Ohio, known as the Marietta Earthworks. According to archaeologists, it was built between 100 BC and 500 AD. Early European American settlers gave the buildings Latin names. The complex includes Sacra Via (meaning "sacred way"), three walled enclosures, Quadranaou, Capitolium (meaning "capital") and at least two other additional mounds on the platform, as well as the Conus mound and the adjacent moat and embankment. The complex was surveyed and painted in 1838 by Samuel R. Curtis (then an Ohio civil engineer). This study was incorrectly attributed to Charles Whittlesey by Squier and EH Davis in their Ancient Mississippi Valley Monuments published by the Smithsonian Institution in 1848.[4] At that time the complex "included a large square enclosure surrounding four flat-topped pyramidal mounds, another smaller square and a circular enclosure with a large mound in the center".
Many of the founders were Revolutionary War officers who received federal land grants for military service. Among the high-ranking officers buried in the cemetery are Generals Rufus Putnam and Benjamin Tupper, founders of the Ohio Company of Associates; as well as Commodore Abraham Whipple and Colonel William Stacy