SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The goal of this Phase II program is to develop and deliver a non-destructive tool to assure trustworthiness of additive manufactured components to support the TRuST (TRusted Structures Technology) program. The method, ASSURES (Authentication Sensing System Using Resonance Evaluation Spectroscopy), combines laser Doppler vibrometry, acoustical resonance spectroscopy and finite element analysis to distinguish counterfeit components, improper manufacturing procedures, and tampering from authentic, specification-meeting components and mitigates weaknesses in the Manufacturing chain. Every object is a unique vibrational system that can be characterized by its vibrational resonance spectrum, which provides a unique signature and digital code to distinguish genuine components meeting specifications from fakes. It is virtually impossible for two objects that are not identical to have the same vibrational spectrum. Changes in material, tampering, manufacturing procedure, printing directions, and specifications result in a different vibrational signature. In addition, a hidden validation key can be added during manufacturing that insures authenticity. Finite element analysis predicts the vibrational spectrum of an object, determines sensitivity to changes and augments ASSURES procedures. The Phase I research demonstrated the feasibility of the concept and answered all critical questions concerning practicality of ASSURES.