SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Metamagnetics proposes to develop a set of computational models that captures the behavior of non-linear microwave magnetic components, such as frequency selective limiters (FSL) and signal to noise enhancers (SNE), and deploy it within COMSOL, a multiphysics equation-based solver. Metamagnetics additionally proposes to utilize outputs from these models to develop and deploy “black box” circuit block diagrams that can be incorporated into sub-circuit and systems models within a tool like Keysight Advanced Development System (ADS). In our approach, we will develop two independent modules in COMSOL; one that is based on phenomenological behavior and a second, increased-fidelity module, that incorporates non-linear effects through magnetization dynamics derived from and expanded form of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of motion. This approach will enable a self-contained software tool for solving non-linear microwave devices and eliminate the need to pass data between different tools/engines. Leveraging COMSOL’s built-in GUI, mesher, and solver functionality, we will export power-dependent S-parameter data (X-parameters) of these devices for use in sub-circuit modeling tools such as ADS. Development of these modules will empower engineers with the ability to tailor non-linear magnetic device behavior to desired specifications, and provide systems engineers with functional blocks that simulate device behavior in higher level assemblies.