Company attributes
MessageLabs provided a range of managed security services to protect, control, encrypt, and archive communications across Email, Web, and Instant Messaging. On October 8, 2008 Symantec announced the acquisition of MessageLabs for a cash sum of £310 million plus US$154 million. The deal closed on November 14, 2008.
The White brothers, along with MessageLabs' financial director Stephen Chandler, invested a share of their proceeds in establishing Notion Capital.
In 2005 Messagelabs acquired Omnipod.
In 2006 MessageLabs ended a strategic partnership with ScanSafe, a competing security company, with the release of an in-house web security product titled Web Security Service Version 2. A resultant court judgment brought about by ScanSafe required MessageLabs to notify all prospective clients that the Version 2 service is not based on ScanSafe technology.
In 2007 the company split from Star Technology Services, the original founder of MessageLabs.