SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to commercialize a novel technology that enables compact, efficient, silent, reliable, and fuel-flexible power generation. Existing power solutions can lack endurance, reliability, and portability and often generate harmful emissions; or they are prohibitively expensive or incompatible with existing fuels and distribution infrastructure.The power generation platform developed in this project has the potential to be a key enabling technology for the future rapid growth of commercial drone applications, which currently are often limited by the performance of lithium ion batteries. Drones are expected to make an impact across numerous industries including transport and delivery, power and utilities, telecommunications, and remote sensing. Additionally, this power generation technology can benefit industrial internet of things applications.This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop a novel power source that is easily portable and is compatible with existing fuel infrastructure. This project develops a system that converts most fuels to electricity via light; combustion heats a nanophotonic material to incandescence and the resulting light drives photovoltaic cells. The nanophotonic material is engineered to be spectrally matched to the photovoltaic cells, enabling efficient conversion. This technology can increase the endurance of drones or other systems up to ten times over batteries alone. This work is focused on cost reduction through new material development. The specific research objectives are to demonstrate a low-cost and scalable process for the nanophotonic material and photovoltaic cell while maintaining high performance, and then integrate and pilot the low cost system. Successful completion of these objectives will enable this technology to translate to drone applications with a compelling need for long-lasting portable power.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.