SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Magnesium alloys offer an attractive combination of good mechanical properties with very low density, making these materials strong candidates for structural applications such as gearboxes for rotary wing aircraft, as well as finding strong interest in the automotive industry for engine and transmission components. Repair of such structures by additive manufacturing, as well as manufacturing of novel new structures by AM is therefore also of great interest for a range of aerospace and automotive applications to achieve improved performance, reduced cost, and reduced emissions through lightweighting. However, AM of these alloys is hampered due to: (i) low oxidation resistance, (ii) insufficient mechanical properties of deposited material, and (iii) high flammability of the powder material. In this project, MRL will demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing an ICME approach to design of novel Mg-based alloys to achieve good mechanical properties, reduced flammability, and increased resistance to oxidation and corrosion. This will be achieved through the combined use of materials modeling, process simulation, high-throughput AM testing, and high-throughput materials property testing.