SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Navy’s digital modular radios (DMRs) have been upgraded to support a wide range of waveforms (e.g. SRW, HAVE QUICK, SINCGARS, SATCOM, and MUOS). To further increase the fleet’s warfighting capability, the U.S. Navy is interested in reducing the number of single function RF systems required on Navy ships and submarines. EMBARC (Efficient Multi-carrier Broadband Amplifier for Radio Communications) addresses this need for an efficient wideband multi-carrier amplifier (MCA). EMBARC combines unique technologies developed at MaXentric to provide high efficiency with simultaneous high linearity under multi-carrier operation. EMBARC is designed to scale up to 36 concurrent channels with frequency coverage from 1.5MHz to 3GHz and maintains high performance for different dynamic power levels, as well as changes in supply bias, temperature, and long-term aging of the system while supporting frequency hopping. 2-way communication to the DMR allows for spectrum management, channel selectivity, power management, and other interference mitigation schemes. The low thermal footprint and heat density offered with EMBARC results in better reliability and lower junction temperature. The line replaceable unit based architecture of EMBARC allows for scalability, replicability, and low maintenance cost. Phase II efforts involve the design, implementation, and demonstration of the rackmount EMBARC MCA deliverable.