Non-protein coding transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides.
Enhancer: The lncRNA interacts with both the promoter an enhancer of a gene and creates chromosomal looping which brings the regions together to stimulate gene expressiongene expression
Unlike protein-coded genes where the RNARNA transcript is an intermediate that is translated into a protein, non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) function as an RNA. ncRNAs are divided into two classes based on length. Small non-coding RNAs include miRNAs, tRNAs and small nucleolar RNAs and the other class are long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). According to the 2019 version of the GENCODE project the human genome contains 19940 protein-coding genes, 16066 lncRNA genes and 7577 short ncRNA genes, of which 1881 are miRNAs. LncRNAs are defined as transcripts longer than 200 nt which have no protein coding potential. LncRNAs can be classified based on genomic localization and orientation, subcellular localization and mechanism of action.