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Lemnis Technologies is a Singapore-based company that builds software and hardware to lessen or eliminate physical ailments that sometimes arise when using virtual reality or augmented reality products. Ailments to be eliminated could include headaches, eye strain, and nausea.
The company's product is called Verifocal and is a platform to control the focus in head-mounted displays for virtual reality. It generates a varying focal plane using eye tracking to calibrate the user's gaze direction. With this data, the platform adjusts the optics in real-time so that the user can have a clear visual. The software can be integrated into products from original equipment manufacturers and original design manufacturers. Lemnis Technologies claims that the Verifocal platform allows for prolonged use of virtual reality, which can be implemented for business purposes and that users who wear glasses do not need to use them when utilizing Verifocal during their virtual reality experience because the software can adjust optics according to the user's eyesight.