Last Exile (Japanese: ラストエグザイル) is a Japanese anime and manga series set in the adventure, steampunk, and fantasy genres. The series was created by Koichi Chigira and produced by the animation studio Gonzo. Originally released on April 8, 2003, the series concluded on September 30, 2003.
Last Exile has been published in both anime and manga formats, with the manga being categorized under Shōnen manga. The anime is directed by Koichi Chigira and has been published by Funimation and Kadokawa Corporation, while the manga has been published by Kadokawa Shoten. The publication date for the manga is January 1, 2003.
As part of the anime, manga, and cinematography industries, Last Exile has faced competition from series such as Burst Angel, Vandread, Speed Grapher, SoltyRei, Kiddy Grade, Eureka Seven, Dragonaut: The Resonance, and Samurai 7. The series is originally from Japan and is an instance of a creative work.