A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Kryptowire in May, 2023 for $149,115.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Interoperability and standard compliance of the Core Network equipment is still an open problem.Our solution uniquely addresses the gap, as the main objective of our effort is to provide a standardized and unified infrastructure to enable and facilitate testing the equipment required to realize the Core Network deployment. We plan to leverage our existing expertise as part of the DARPA OPS-5G effort. In OPS-5G, we designed and deployed a 5G open-source testbed. Our aim is to enhance this testbed adding modifications to allow streamlined replacement of all VNF across vendors. This process will enable testing and verification of separately developed VNFs for standard conformance. The 5G CoNForM effort is important as it will foster the independent development of 5G Core Network functions. Independently and standards-based interoperability process and validation labs will give rise to a more diverse network function marketplace. We envision that such marketplace will spur the development of new services and freedom of choice for network service providers.