Kastytis Kemezys is an entrepreneur and the founder of MyDrink Beverages, Cinnamon Bridge, Whatnot Startup Studio, DrinkPreneur, and Soul Kitchen.
Kastytis Kemezys is an entrepreneur who has been building startups since 2007.
Kastytis Kemezys is an entrepreneur and the founder of MyDrink Beverages, Cinnamon Bridge, Whatnot Startup Studio, DrinkPreneur, and Soul Kitchen.
Kastytis Kemezys hasis producedan startupsentrepreneur in Lithuania,and the UK and currently in Bangkok, Thailand. Kastytisfounder has co-foundedof MyDrink beverages in LithuaniaBeverages, Cinnamon Bridge Accelerator in the UK, and Whatnot Startup Studio, inDrinkPreneur, Thailandand Soul Kitchen.
January 2018
January 2015
January 2014
February 2008
Founder of Soul Kitchen
Kastytis Kemezys is an entrepreneur who has been building startups since 2007.
Kastytis Kemezys has produced startups in Lithuania, the UK and currently in Bangkok, Thailand. Kastytis has co-founded MyDrink beverages in Lithuania, Cinnamon Bridge Accelerator in the UK, and Whatnot Startup Studio in Thailand.
Kastytis Kemezys is an entrepreneur and the founder of MyDrink Beverages, Cinnamon Bridge, Whatnot Startup Studio, DrinkPreneur, and Soul Kitchen.
Founder of Soul Kitchen
Kastytis Kemezys is an entrepreneur and the founder of MyDrink Beverages, Cinnamon Bridge, Whatnot Startup Studio, DrinkPreneur, and Soul Kitchen.