SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Project Summary This is a supplementalrenewalgrant to the Phase II SBIR grantComputerized Screening for Comorbidity in Adolescents with Substance or Psychiatric DisordersSince the funding of the Phase I granttwo significant developments occurred in the fieldthe American Psychiatric Association s release of the DSMmanualand NIMH s launch of the Research Domain CriteriaRDoCinitiative that aims to create the necessary database to derive a new psychiatric nomenclature informed by neurosciencegeneticsand psychologyThe primary goals of Phase II includeUpdate the self administered computerized KSADSKSADS COMPso it is compatible with DSMcriteriaDevelop software for a clinician administered computerized KSADSKSADS COMPCreate a K SADS Bridge product that includes a battery of RDoC computerized neurocognitive tasks that can be completed with the selfor clinician administered KSADS COMPandExamine the criterionconvergentand discriminant validity of the self administered KSADS COMPand the relationship among DSMdiagnosesdimensional measures of psychopathologyand performance on RDoC neurocognitive tasksIn addition to providing a reliable comprehensive assessment tool for adolescentsour goal is to provide an instrument that canbridgeDSMand RDoC diagnostic perspectiveswhich can be used to generate a database on the relationship between RDoC constructsDSM classificationsdimensional measures of psychopathology and treatment outcomes across a range of diagnostic categoriesSince our phase II fundingwe have received numerous requests from pharmaceutical companies and NIMH funded researchers for use of the clinician administered KSADS COMP in largemulti center and multi national national trialsThe latter required the translation of the KSADS into several different languageswhich are currently not availableThey have also requested the ability to customize the KSADSso that researchers could choose specific modules to administer for non diagnostic study specific research purposesTo respond to these demands and help facilitate the uptake of the KSADSin Phase IIBwe propose to translate the KSADS into Spanishone of the most common languages used in clinical trials with adolescentsusing ISPOR approved process for linguistic validationincluding dual forward translation and reconciliationsingle back translation and reviewreview by subject matter expertand cognitive debriefingWe will also create the programming infrastructure to facilitate future translationsThese enhancements will facilitate its use in research studies around the worldthus creating a richer data base for empirical examination of new psychiatric nomenclatureand enhancing its commercial viabilityIn Phase IIB we will also restructure the interview to allow the clinician to customize which diagnostic models to administerwhich will greatly enhance its clinical and research utility Project Narrative The KSADS COMP will facilitate identification of comorbid psychiatric and substance use diagnoses frequently missed in clinical practiceand improve adolescent treatment outcomesIt provides a cost effective too for use in schools and juvenile justice settings where there is a growing interest in early identification and referral of youth in need of mental health servicesThe KSADS Bridge assessment tool with its RDoC neurocognitive taskswhen completed with the selfor clinician administered KSADS COMPwill help to create cross talk between the DSM and RDoC diagnostic perspectivesand begin to generate a database on the relationship between RDoC constructs and treatment outcomes across a range of diagnostic categoriesThe addition of a Spanish version in Phase IIB will enable its use with non English speakersfacilitating its use in research studies around the worldthus enriching the research database and an expanding its clinical applications