SBIR/STTR Award attributes
KDH Research andampCommunicationKDHRCsubmits this Fast Track SBIR proposal to developimplementand rigorously evaluate a culturally competentonline professional development course to prepare promotores to support low income Latino parents of children with special health care needsCSHCNas they navigate the education and health care systemsCSHCN experience poorer healthpsychosocialand academic outcomes than the general child population exhibited by frequent school absencesbehavioral problemsgrade repetitionand lack of school engagementCompared to other CSHCNLatino CSHCN are more likely to experience health and educational disparities including a lack of adequate health care insurancespecialist referralsand consistentaffordable health careLatino parents of CSHCN frequently experience difficulties while navigating the education and health care systemsLow income Latino parentsespecially first generation immigrantsface linguistic and cultural barriers when seeking necessary medical services and educational accommodations for their CSHCNPromotoresrecognized as key health care workers in underserved communitiesare ideally positioned to support Latino parents of CSHCNPuentes will have a broad reachbe cost effectiveappropriate for promotores and their community based organizationCBOemployersas well as meet expertscalls for programs addressing the need for culturally appropriate interventions to support this vulnerable populationPuentes trained promotores will empower Latino parents with health care and school system navigation skills to benefit their CSHCNPuentes will contain a six module online coursewhich will use textvideo clipsand virtual client interactive trainingPuentes trained promotores will build parentsknowledgeattitudesself efficacyand skills to request educational accommodationsinterface with the child s medical teammeaningfully participate in their child s educational and medical care teamscoordinate health care and school servicesand work with the school to resolve any challenges related to their child s accommodationsThe content and evaluation of Puentes will be driven by the theory of planned behaviorwhich has extensive empirical support and widespread applicability in health promotion interventionsIn Phase Iwe will create a program architecture plan comprised of a course outlinevideo storyboardsand virtual client details as well as a prototype of two full course modulesWe will evaluate the modules in a twostage feasibility evaluation studyIn Phase IIwe will use the architecture plan and feasibility study findings to finalize program videoscoursesresourcesand dissemination websiteA group randomized controlled trial will explore the efficacy of Puentes when implemented in Latino serving CBOsOur market research suggests a significant need and eager marketand support from more thanorganizations representing overpromotores substantiates Puentesprogrammatic importance and commercial potential Children with special health care needsCSHCNencounter obstacles such as school absenceslack of school engagementand grade repetition that can lead to poor lifelong academichealthand social outcomesLatino parents of CSHCN frequently experience linguistic and cultural barriers while navigating the education and health care systemscompounding the disparities their children experiencePuentes will be a culturally competentonline professional development course to prepare promotores to support Latino parents to navigate the health care and educational systemsPuentes trained promotores will provide Latino parents of CSHCN with the knowledge and skills to overcome barriers and advocate for their children s academic and social success