SBIR/STTR Award attributes
KAI team proposes to develop a comprehensive experimental and numerical research program to characterize the ablation and thermal properties of an affordable, lightweight, new classes of organic and inorganic resin matrix impregnated fiber composites. These ablative materials will have superior ablation, thermal, and mechanical properties. These materials will be fabricated and evaluated first using an oxy-acetylene test bed with advanced diagnostics. Advanced diagnostics including two-color pyrometer, IR camera video camera, high-definition video camera, and in-situ ablation recession/thermal sensors will be used to study the material surface behaviors. Scanning electronic microscopy analysis will be adapted to examine the posttest samples to understand the protective mechanisms. JHU-APL High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) system for high-temperature, supersonic testing with Al2O3 particles injection to simulate particle impingement of solid rocket motor exhaust plumes will be used for 2nd ablative screening. Thermal conductivity properties will be measured using laser flash instrument to determine each ablatives insulative property. Special micron- and nano-sized fillers able to boost the ablation and thermal properties of these polymeric fiber-reinforced composites are also considered.