A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Hitron Technologies Inc. in December, 2020 for $999,993.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
Leveraging our experience and expertise in robots development and system integration (hardware and software) as well as the deep learning for agriculture applications, Hitron Technologies Inc. (HTI) proposes to develop an Intelligent Remote Egg Oiling system (IREOS), with collaboration of University of South Carolina (USC) and Boardwalk Contracting Services, LLC (BWCS). The IREOS allows for effective nuisance bird management by performing autonomous navigation, automated target objective identification, and egg oiling process in a reliable fashion. The proposed IREOS system is based on an unmanned aerial vehicle platform with intelligent machine vision system and onboard computing and deep learning capability, allowing for on-the-go real-time desirable bird nest object detection and feedback control for egg oiling. With centralized and compact system design, the IREOS can reliably self-navigate in complex environment.