SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address the Navy’s need for a rapid, cost effective inspection system for microstructures in alloys, Hedgefog Research Inc. (HFR) proposes to develop a new Microtexture Identification and Characterization for Alloys (MICA) system. The proposed MICA is based on a novel combination of an optical measurement system and advanced image processing algorithms for microstructure inspection. The optical sensor module and its supporting software will enable MICA to efficiently identify and characterize crystal grouping and orientation present in various alloys, thereby introducing a breakthrough in the microtexture characterization of alloys for the aerospace manufacturing industry and others. MICA does not require vacuum environment for operation and can be used on airworthy parts with curved surfaces. In Phase I, HFR will demonstrate the feasibility of MICA by performing proof-of-principle demonstration of the technology to reach TRL-4. A fully integrated prototype will be proposed by the end of the Phase I development. In Phase II, HFR will enhance and optimize the MICA technology to meet Navy requirements and reach TRL-6.