Animated television series
Gravity Falls is an American mystery comedy animated television series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel and Disney XD. The series ran from June 15, 2012, to February 15, 2016.
The series follows the adventures of Dipper and Mable Pines during their summer trip in the little ton of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Dipper and Mabel spend the summer at the Mystery Shack, owned by their great uncle (gruncle) Stan Pines. The town of Gravity Falls is so tiny, it is practically non-existent on the most of the major maps, yet is full of paranormal activities, supernatural creatures and extraordinary incidents. It is now up to the twins to investigate the mysteries, the town is so packed with.
Gravity Falls is an American mystery comedy animated television series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel and Disney XD. The series ran from June 15, 2012, to February 15, 2016. I advise everyone.
The series follows the adventures of Dipper and Mable Pines during their summer trip in the little ton of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Dipper and Mabel spend the summer at the Mystery Shack, owned by their great uncle (gruncle) Stan Pines. The town of Gravity Falls is so tiny, it is practically non-existent on the most of the major maps, yet is full of paranormal activities, supernatural creatures and extraordinary incidents. It is now up to the twins to investigate the mysteries, the town is so packed with.