SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Goodman Technologies(GT) with Navy DoD UARC University of Hawaii (UHM) proposes to demonstrate a prepreg consisting of bismaleimide (BMI), Toray T300 or Hexcel IM7 fabric, and our game changing and patent pending Orthogonal Nanoforest Technology (ONT), a mass-producible an aligned carbon nanotube (ACNT) material that we call Nanoforest III (NF III). Incorporation of NF III technology in the prepreg results in polymer matrix composites with superior orthogonal properties (GIC, strength, modulus, toughness). NF III can be incorporated into virtually all conventional composite manufacturing techniques. Cyctec CYCOM 5250-4 and Hexcel HexPly M65 are commercially available candidate systems for improvement. GT/UHM has already demonstrated a ceramic matrix composite (CMC) with ACNT system for the Air Force, mitigating risk for the Navy. GT’s IM7/NF III/BMI prepreg will provide the requisite improvements in laminate orthogonal properties at high-temperature for Navy applications such as engine compressor and nozzle structures for GE-F414 engines, PMA-265 aircraft (F/A-18C/D Hornet, the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, and the EA-18G Growler), the JPO F-35C Lightning II Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, and the yet to be definitized Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) F/A-XX. GT’s approach will be to fabricate, test, and show the orthogonal properties performance improvements obtained starting with IM7/BMI quasi-isotropic laminates [0/90/+45/-45]s with no CNT additions, then a) using additions of Nanoforest I grown on the reinforcement (NF 1 was first patented by UHM and is the growth of CNT orthogonal to plies, later called “fuzzy fiber” by some), and next using additions of b) NF I and Nanoforest II (NF 2 is an interlaminar nanotape with high alignment of the CNTs). We then plan to make coupons with our new NF III. The double cantilever beam (DCB) test, ASTM D5228, will be used to measure Mode I fracture energy GIC. The ASTM C1341 standard 4-point bending test and flexural equations will be used to determine strength, strain, modulus of the composite, and then to determine the laminate toughness via integration under the stress/strain curve. GT/UHM will use these standardized tests in a “mini-matrix” to elucidate orthogonal improvements obtained by aligned CNT additions, i.e., NF I, NF II, and our new patent pending NF III. This project is supported by 2 business divisions of Lockheed Martin, and composite suppliers HEXCEL and Solvay Composites who will contribute to Phase II planning with GT for NAVAIR. In Phase II GT plans to partner with these companies and perform a “mega-matrix” of properties testing (saltwater, fresh water, high-temperature, etc.) and make a prototype component.