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"What if Steam was decentralized? Well... GamePower aims to be the first fully functional decentralized game distribution platform. The ultimate goal of GamePower is to empower both gamers and developers by providing an open platform for creative development and NFT creation/trading. The GamePower Unity and Javascript SDK will allow developers to publish their games and NFTs without the worry of servers, maintenance and gas costs. With GamePower, developers can focus on providing quality game content to gamers.
As for gamers, GamePower will make blockchain onboarding easy. By creating a frictionless experience, gamers can jump into gaming without the need to worry about creating wallets or finding a crypto currency exchange to buy tokens for gas fees. Terms normally used in the crypto space will be made easier for gamers. Wallets will be known as ""Inventory"", NFTs will be known as ""Items"". We want to gamify the entire experience to make onboarding smoother."