SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Weight growth due to increased armor or added technology to existing platforms creates challenges in the form of increased strain on vehicle systems and components, as well as logistics challenges of transporting and supporting heavier vehicles. The AAV has the additional constraint that the vehicle must float, and therefore has very little tolerance for components which exceed their weight allowance. the track and running gear provide an attractive opportunity for weight reduction, but such changes should not be taken lightly due to the effects a track system failure could have for the mission and embarked personnel. GS Engineering has the expertise and the tools to undertake this challenge and has successfully done so in the past. Starting with a track system which weighs 33% less than T-157i, GS Engineering proposes adding features to improve water track performance as well as reduce track-induced vibration. GS Engineering's track solution has the additional benefit of exhibiting reduced rolling resistance and greatly increased lifespan, minimizing life cycle cost. This high technical maturity of GS Engineering's enabling technology provides a low-risk solution the Marine Corps for a track system which meets or exceeds all performance objectives.