Fruits Basket (フルーツバスケット), also known as Furūtsu Basuketto, is a Japanese manga and anime series falling in the genres of supernatural, romantic comedy, slice of life, and harem. Created by author Natsuki Takaya, Fruits Basket was first published in Japan on January 1, 1998, and the series continued until November 20, 2006. The series was published by Hakusensha, Tokyopop, Chuang Yi, Madman Entertainment, Yen Press, and Hana to Yume.
The anime adaptation of Fruits Basket was directed initially by Akitaro Daichi and later by Yoshihide Ibata, with music composed by Masaru Yokoyama. The series is set in Japan, falling within the anime and manga industry and specifically the subgenre of Shōjo manga.
Fruits Basket has had several competitors throughout its run, including Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai, Kagen no Tsuki, Sekirei, Maid Sama!, The Qwaser of Stigmata, March Comes in like a Lion, Girl Friends (manga), Citrus (manga), Sakura Trick, Kannazuki no Miko, Sweet Blue Flowers, Love and Lies (manga), Domestic Girlfriend, Kiss of Rose Princess, Ai Ore!, Akuma na Eros, Baby Love (manga), Ai Yori Aoshi, Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance, Urusei Yatsura, Neighborhood Story, and Kuzu no Honkai.
Additionally, multiple spin-offs have been released including Fruits Basket: The Three Musketeers Arc, Fruits Basket: The Three Musketeers Arc 2, and Fruits Basket: Prelude. The series has been licensed by companies like Crunchyroll, LLC, Mighty Media, and Funimation Channel.