SBIR/STTR Award attributes
FoVI3D has proposed the development of a novel graphics application programming interface known as the Object Graphics Language (ObjGL) that abstracts the display technology from the host application. ObjGL is a low-level, cross-platform, and display-agnostic graphics API that can facilitate efficient rendering on a wide range of FoLD architectures. ObjGL draws heavily from OpenGL, yet it is streamlined for fast rendering for multi-view display systems. It is intended that ObjGL is a replacement for OpenGL for applications that require display abstraction. ObjGL would include in its definition, acceleration mechanisms to expedite the multi-view rendering for a wide variety of display architectures. While acceleration features such as frustum culling, frame-packing, and level of detail apply to all display types, features such as background/foreground segmentation and criticality will benefit extreme multi-view displays such as light-field displays. ObjGL enables a modular implementation of the Heterogeneous Display Ecosystem (HDE) allowing the operator to select the best visualization device for a given task and thereby increasing task/operator efficiency. The standardization of an API and the ability to upgrade or implement emerging display technologies will reduce the manpower requirements to maintain and integrate systems as well as extend the lifetime of the application.