SBIR/STTR Award attributes
ENGIN-IC, Inc. proposes to develop a Ku-band compact high efficiency SSPA capable of providing greater than 240-W of saturated output power and greater than 32% power-added efficiency. Key elements to the SSPA performance are solid-state GaN MMIC power amplifier building blocks that achieve 12- and 24-W saturated output power and greater than 40% power-added efficiency. High MMIC efficiency is achieved through innovative matching and feedback networks which simplify the thermal management solution for the SSPA. In addition, low loss reactive, microstrip and waveguide combiners will be utilized that combine 12 to 16 of the 24-W amplifiers. Hybrid packaging techniques allow for a compact modular integrated microwave assembly with an innovative cooling approach to maintain reliable operation through different environments. These technologies solve key system issues including high efficiency power generation and density, cooling, size constraints, and low loss combining. These technologies can all be adapted to support future system acquisition objectives through scaling of MMIC frequencies, bandwidth, output power, and module combining quantities.