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Demonpore manufactures mechanical nanopores to be used as sensors that measure molecules relevant to human health. Demonpore is developing a universal biomolecular sensor that can measure virtually any type of molecule relevant to human health. For universal biomolecular sensing, Demonpore plans to make an array of demonpore sensing elements with a million individual nanopores .
In general nanopore sensing uses a nanoscale hole placed between two electrolytic fluid chambers with an impermeable membrane between them and when voltage is applied, a steady-state ion current develops across the pore. Molecules occupying the pore result in changes in the ion flux that can be monitored and current fluctuations can communicate properties such as size, concentration and structure of molecules.
One of the founders of Demonpore, Kent Kemmish, was part of and helped recruit the early team of Synthego, Inc., now a unicorn in the CRISPR sphere.