Process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority
Most humanA systemssystem throughoutor timeinstitution haveis beenconsidered centralized, meaningif thatthere is a single individual or entity has control over thethat entirecontrols systemit. In database terms, centralization means that data is stored in a single location.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology have brought discussion and awareness of 'decentralization' more into the mainstream in recent years. Vitalik Buterin, creator of the cryptocurrency Ethereum, breaks the concept of decentralization for software systemssoftware systems down into three parts:
There are several examples of systems that achieve at least one kind of decentralization other than blockchains, such as email and BitTorrentBitTorrent. The email protocol (SMTP) is used by countless independent service providers, and you can pick which one to use at your own discretion. BitTorrent allows for peer-to-peer file downloads and the files themselves are not stored in a single location.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology have brought discussion and awareness of 'decentralization' more into the mainstream in recent years. Vitalik Buterin, creator of the cryptocurrency EthereumEthereum, breaks the concept of decentralization for software systems down into three parts:
Most human systems throughout time have been centralized, meaning that a single individual or entity has control over the entire system. In database terms, centralization means that data is stored in a single location.
Decentralization describes a process in which planning and decision-making authority are not controlled by a single individual or entity, but rather are dispersed to many. In database terms, decentralization means that data is replicated and distributed across multiple locations.
The idea of decentralization has been around for centuries. For example, America's founding fathers established some decentralization in the structure of the US government by separating it into the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and using checks and balances to ensure that no single branch took complete control of the system. In comparison, a dictatorship or monarchy has a highly centralized structure.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology have brought discussion and awareness of 'decentralization' more into the mainstream in recent years. Vitalik Buterin, creator of the cryptocurrency Ethereum, breaks the concept of decentralization for software systems down into three parts:
It is possible to be highly decentralized in one or two of these ways, while also being centralized in one or two others. For example, blockchains are designed to achieve a high degree of decentralization in 2 out of 3 categories. Blockchains can be physically distributed across numerous computers (i.e. nodes) for architectural decentralization, and they can be politically decentralized if no single entity controls them. However, all of the participants in a blockchain network work towards a consensus on a single state of the system and the system behaves as if it is a single computer, so it is logically centralized.
There are several examples of systems that achieve at least one kind of decentralization other than blockchains, such as email and BitTorrent. The email protocol (SMTP) is used by countless independent service providers, and you can pick which one to use at your own discretion. BitTorrent allows for peer-to-peer file downloads and the files themselves are not stored in a single location.
Process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority
Process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority