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Cragganmore takes its rock face of a name from the mountain in whose shadow its distillery sits. And this is a whisky with many high approaches and hidden valleys of flavour. Known as the most complex aroma on Speyside, it must also be one of the most delightful because the distillery can’t keep up with demand.
Founded by Speyside legend Big John Smith, Cragganmore was created using a pioneering flat-top pot still design to create the sweetest, most complex of malt whiskies. Cragganmore Scotch can count barley and Scotland’s fastest flowing river as two of its natural influences. In fact, Big John chose the location precisely because of the plentiful supply of spring water, and the connection to the Great Highland Railway line. In fact, Cragganmore was the first Speyside distillery to take advantage of railway transport as a means of bringing in raw materials, and sending out their delicious, unique malt.
In 1869, Big John Smith – said to have been the most experienced distiller of his day – founded Cragganmore. He lobbied for a railway siding, and using this, his business acumen and skill as a distiller, turned Cragganmore into a popular, high-quality single malt whisky.