Clinical Study attributes
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The goal of this clinical trial was to compare the effectiveness of two computerized neurocognitive training programs for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and to examine their impact on attention functions, executive functions, academic performance, and behavior. The main questions this study sought to answer were: How does Attention Functions Training (AFT) compare to Executive Functions Training (EFT) in improving cognitive abilities related to attention and executive functions in children with ADHD? What are the effects of these programs on academic performance and behavior? Researchers compared the outcomes of the AFT group, the EFT group, and a passive control group, in order to determine which program was more effective across these domains. Participants completed computerized training sessions focused on attention or executive functions twice a week for nine weeks. They also underwent cognitive, academic, and behavioral assessments at baseline, after the training, and at follow-up.