SBIR/STTR Award attributes
A resurgence of malaria infections has occurred in the USprimarily due to increasing global travelOnly wide spread screenings and treatments of endemic populations can prevent the return of malaria endemicityCurrentlythere is no diagnostic test that meets the need of highly sensitive malaria screening tool for low resource settingsTo address this needChromoLogic proposes to develop the Quick Mag platform for a smartphone basedhighly sensitiveparasitesmLlow costlt$samplerapidltmineasy to usePOC malaria diagnosticChromoLogic s innovative platform is based on the cell free detection of hemozoinbyproduct of parasite digestionby a magneto optical methodTo reliably diagnose low parasitemia at the POCthe platform integratesia hemozoin enrichment module to ChromoLogic s proprietary POC plasma separation technologyallowing for a sensitivity equivalent to blood smear microscopic observationsiia small rugged device mounted on a smartphoneandiiia mobile application that immediately translates the measurements into parasitemiaAll device components can be stored at room temperatureand are manualor battery operatedmaking the Quick Mag platform ideal for LRS applicationsThis POC malaria parasitemia test will result in earlierlower cost diagnosis and more effective treatmentproviding an important tool for the eradication of malaria