Brahma aims to simplify the interaction with DeFi primitives through easy to invest vaults, which leverage composability with multiple protocols to deliver superior risk-adjusted yield to users.Brahma provides an alternative to inflationary returns via liquidity mining and discourages mercenary capital .
Brahma creates and manages a host of novel DeFi DeFi components and strategies by abstracting complexity and making DeFiDeFi accessible to the masses. Brahma's research-backed, experimental approach strives to create an "Investverse" starting with products focused on generating a non-speculative, sustained yield on crypto assets. We unlock new portals for liquidity by paving way for autonomous and algorithm-led architectures.
Aastra is the first product out of Brahma's investverse. It aims to create structured strategies on top of DeFi protocols to create sustainable yield for anyone, starting with liquidity provisioning over AMM'sAMM's. The first instrument that went live on Aastra is AASTRA-ETHPUT. It creates a synthetic Put selling instrument on top of UNIUNI V3, which replicates the same payoff structure as selling a put option.