SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Insects are a healthful and sustainable alternative animal feed. However, to penetrate the $400B global feed industry, insects need to be produced both at a scale and cost that is suitable for farmers. Mealworms, Tenebrio molitor, are Beta Hatch’s focal species because they are hardy and can feed on an incredible diversity of diets. We propose in this Phase 1 project to develop cost effective diets for mealworms produced at mass scale. Mealworms have already been shown at lab scale to efficiently use organic side-streams such as biofuel coproducts. However, there is much work needed on the viability of these feedstocks for a commercial mealworm producer. We will evaluate feedstock options for mealworm production, formulate commercially viable diets, and test the value of supplementation with key amino and fatty acids. Mealworms are true digestive powerhouses, with the ability to metabolize a huge range of inputs including mycotoxin contaminated feeds. We will investigate the potential of mealworms to bioremediate mycotoxin contaminated feedstocks, allowing mealworm producers to use these otherwise harmful inputs without competing for supply against other livestock industries. This work will establish the feasibility of organic by-products and wastes as cost effective feedstocks for mealworms.