Operating room and intensive care unit equipment manufacturer and medical system solutions supplier.
Beijing Aeonmed is an operating room and intensive care unit equipment manufacturer and medical system solutions supplier. It is headquartered in Beijing, ChinaChina. The company was founded in 2001.
Beijing Aeonmed is an operating room and intensive care unit equipment manufacturer and medical system solutions supplier. It is headquartered in Beijing, China. The company was founded in 2001.
The company produces two emergency ventilators. The Shangrila 935 is a bag electronic transport ventilator system. It uses oxygen cylinders and is pneumatically powered. The Shangrila 510 is also an emergency bag based transport ventilator system. It uses oxygen cylinders and provides and provides an adjustable oxygen concentration of between 40-100%.
Operating room and intensive care unit equipment manufacturer and medical system solutions supplier.
Operating room and intensive care unit equipment manufacturer and medical system solutions supplier.