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The Babaevsky district was formed by the decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on August 1, 1927 as part of the Cherepovets district of the Leningrad region, created on the territory of the abolished Cherepovets province. Later in 1927-1928. in the area was created by the district committee of the CPSU (b). By a decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of September 23, 1937, the district was annexed to the newly formed Vologda Oblast. In 1959, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the territory of the abolished Borisovo-Sudsky district was annexed to the Babaevsky district. From December 13, 1962[4] to January 12, 1965, during the failed all-Union reform on the division into rural and industrial areas and party organizations, in accordance with the decisions of the November (1962) plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU "on the restructuring of the party leadership of the national economy", the district, among many in the USSR, was temporarily enlarged - the Babaevsky rural district was formed, the territory of which included the territory of the former Babaevsky and Kaduy administrative districts, and the city of Babaevo, along with Ustyuzhnaya and the workers' settlements of Sazonovo and Chagoda - temporarily retreated to the newly formed Chagodoshchensky industrial region. In December 1962, the Babaevskoye Kolkhoz-Sovkhoz Administration and the party committee of this administration were created to replace the former district committee of the CPSU, as well as the Chagodoshchensky Industrial and Production Party Committee, which in February 1964 was renamed Babaevsky, and later, on March 4, 1964, the Chagodoshchensky industrial district was abolished. The plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, held on November 16, 1964, restored the previous principle of party leadership of the national economy, after which, by the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of January 12, 1965, the Babaevsky and Kaduy administrative regions were restored.