Organization attributes
Army Futures Command integrates on a daily basis with entrepreneurs, scientists and businesses to employ an entrepreneurial spirit of accepting the risk of failure early and cheaply in order to create the best solution for our Soldiers. Much of this work is accomplished through four subordinate, supporting commands, which operate through collaborative partnerships with industry and academia to help keep Soldiers safe, America strong, and to win on any future battlefield.
Combat Capabilities Development Command headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., ensures the dominance of Army capabilities by creating, integrating and delivering technology-enabled solutions to our Soldiers. DEVCOM is the Army’s organic research and development capability.
Futures and Concepts Center assesses threats and future operational environment, develops concepts, requirements and an integrated modernization path to increase lethality and over-match to enable Soldiers and units to win on future battlefields.
Medical Research and Development Command headquartered at Fort Detrick, Md., manages and executes research in five basic areas: military infectious diseases, combat casualty care, military operational medicine, chemical biological defense, and clinical and rehabilitative medicine.
The Army Software Factory is an integrated software development initiative to teach, develop, and employ self-sustaining talent from all ranks within the military and civilian workforce. Located in Austin, Texas, on the Austin Community College Rio Grande Campus, the factory’s mission is to build digital proficiency across the Army that enables Soldiers and civilians to develop cutting-edge applications for current and future systems. The software factory training pipeline harnesses cloud technology and modern software to solve Army problems and better prepare for disconnected warfare in 2028 and beyond.