SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address the need to mitigate cooperative and noncooperative in-band interference in airborne anti-submarine warfare (ASW) systems, ARiA will develop and demonstrate the feasibility of signal and information processing algorithms for mitigating various types of in-band interference. ARiA will develop and evaluate (1) model-based adaptive signal processing in space, time, and Doppler to mitigate effects of masking due to strong interference in sidelobe structure and (2) sparse estimation and reconstruction algorithms for detecting, estimating, and isolating signal components generated by targets, reverberation, and interference. The Phase I effort will (1) develop Adaptive Interference Rejection Algorithms (AIRA) for detecting and suppressing the most problematic types of in-band interference for Air ASW operations, (2) demonstrate that AIRA can feasibly meet Navy needs by testing on archived and simulated data, and (3) establish that AIRA can be developed into a useful product for the Navy compatible with the Applications-Based Architecture (ABA) of the P-8A and MH-60R.