A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Applied Research In Acoustics Llc in July, 2018 for $1,069,691.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
To address the Navy need for an accurate and efficient computational method for calculating acoustic scattering strength of midfrequency targets Applied Research in Acoustics LLC (ARiA) has built on recent advances in edge-source integral equation (ESIE) to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a hybrid ESIE boundary-element method (BEM) target-scattering model for midfrequency active (MFA) sonar. The Phase I effort (1) develop the plan to define and develop ESIEBEM for MFA target scattering and define the scope of the software and hardware required to achieve it; (2) establish that ESIEBEM can feasibly meet Navy needs by demonstrating through modeling and analysis that ESIEBEM target-scattering predictions will accurately reflect real-world results including all relevant echo components from the target based on verification and validation with a set of relevant target shapes and MFA incident signals to include an LFM pulse from 1-10 kHz; and (3) establish that ESIEBEM can be developed into a useful product for the Navy that is compatible with the MFA tactical decision aids (TDAs) and simulation-based training products. Based on the positive results achieved in Phase I, ARiA proposes a Phase II effort to further develop and evaluate MFA target scattering and perform development and integration efforts