A project studying how gut bacteria interact with various lifestyles to effect health.
All the data collected by the American Gut Project is de-identified, then made accessible in open repositories such as Qiita and the European Nucleotide ArchiveEuropean Nucleotide Archive. Participants in the study are provided a questionnaire about their lifestyle factors. Researchers around the world can utilize American Gut data to make discoveries by identifying microbiome trends.
A project studying how gut bacteria interact with various lifestyles to effect health.
A project studying how gut bacteria interact with various lifestyles to effect health.
All the data collected by the American Gut Project is de-identified, then made accessible in open repositories such as Qiita and the European Nucleotide Archive. Participants in the study are provided a questionnaire about their lifestyle factors. Researchers around the world can utilize American Gut data to make discoveries by identifying microbiome trends.
A project studying how gut bacteria interact with various lifestyles to effect health.