SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Future DoD and Navy missions require advances in current high voltage power electronics technology. In this proposed effort, Agnitron will investigate the limitations of existing MOCVD technology and propose solutions towards an MOCVD system for Gallium Nitride capable of growth rates over 10 um per hour while at the same time keeping the background impurity concentration to low 1015 cm-3 range. In the Phase II program, we propose to design and build a horizontal MOCVD reactor with multiple injection zones. The multi-injection zones will enable to match flow velocity and momentum across all points of gas injection in the growth chamber, preventing gas flow turbulence which affects film uniformity and growth rate. The reactor will be capable of operating from low to super-atmospheric pressure ranges. The goal is to achieve low background concentrations under these conditions as well as demonstrate heavily doped p+ and n+(Al)GaN layers.