A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to ATA Engineering in January, 2023 for $1,499,801.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and DARPA.
ATA Engineering, Inc., (ATA) proposes a project to mature and validate a multiphysics framework for electro-optical (EO), infrared (IR), and radio frequency (RF) signature analysis of ablating hypersonic vehicles in ionized plasma flow fields. These flight conditions can result in complex material and aerothermal physics that complicate signature analysis. Therefore, accurate prediction of the hypersonic flow field around a vehicle with a more realistic, multiphysics representation of the interdependent physical phenomena present is critical for understanding real-world GEOINT observations of hypersonic systems. ATA has developed a software toolset, known as the Multiphysics Engine, that enables coupling of state-of-the-art solvers for fluid dynamics, material response, and electromagnetics for high-fidelity simulation of the ablative response of advanced thermal protection system materials in hypersonic environments and subsequent signature analysis. In the proposed effort, the project team will advance the signature prediction capabilities of the Multiphysics Engine by integrating additional RF signature tools and ATA capabilities for EO/IR signature analysis, incorporating additional signature-relevant physics, developing computationally efficient reduced-order signature prediction methods, and validating the toolset for mission relevant geometries and flow regimes. The resulting toolset will deliver a new capability with enhanced realism for GEOINT analysis of hypersonic systems through Multiphysics Engine integration, which will be validated for signature prediction using mission-relevant data.