highly anticipated gamified farming protocol that combines fantasy with stellar blockchain features, bringing secular gaming experience to contemporary technology
highly anticipated gamified farming protocol that combines fantasy with stellar blockchain features, bringing secular gaming experience to contemporary technology
APWars 2021 is a highly anticipated gamified farming protocol that combines fantasy with stellar blockchain features, bringing secular gaming experience to contemporary technology; APWars includes composite farming, token battles, NFTs, swaps and, innovation through gamified war lottery, in a single place, to produce and unparalleled APR earning opportunities.
Choose your faction to fight at the Battle for Supremacy: The Corporation or The Degenerates? Choose wisely...
Mine wGOLD at the Gold Mines by providing liquidity to wGOLD pairs on liquidity pools.
Prepare yourself for war...
Train your faction troops such as wWARRIOR, wGRUNT, wARCHER and wORC-ARCHER at Tier 1 within the Barracks
Train the wARMOURED-WARRIOR, wARMOURED-GRUNT, wCROSSBOWMAN and wPIKE-ORC at Tier 2 within the Armoury
Train the wWIZARD and the wSHAMAN at the Arcane Library for Tier 3 farming.
highly anticipated gamified farming protocol that combines fantasy with stellar blockchain features, bringing secular gaming experience to contemporary technology