SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In this Phase II project, the primary technical objective is to fabricate a full-scale Nextel® 720 reinforced oxide-oxide ceramic matrix composite nosecone radome utilizing a unique fiber architecture. The goal is to enable radome performance under extreme aerothermal and thermal shock conditions experienced during hypersonic flight profiles. High performance radomes are critically needed to enable precise guidance and navigation for the missile or air vehicle platform. The work under Phase II Base Period will include evaluation of cylindrical CMCs fabricated using similar fiber architecture as for the radome and performing key mechanical tests to evaluate thermo-mechanical performance. In addition, fabrication of radome tip region will be pursued with subscale geometry to optimize fiber placement and architecture to achieve the shape conformality of the designed tip region. Preliminary radome attachment design and configuration will be investigated along with supporting mechanical tests. Under Phase II Option 1, the CMC radome fabrication process will be further refined with subscale models and a first full scale prototype to be made prior to end of Phase II Option 1. In the final period of Phase II Option 2, a more rigorous CMC fabrication methodology will be adopted to improve MRL with specific focus on coatings OML machining to achieve shape conformality and to meet design specifications.