A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to ADVANCED GLOBAL SERVICES, LTD in November, 2019 for $3,770,807.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
Patented EPVD® process has been bench-marked by DOD programs as a fit substitute for Chrome plating. Both laboratory and field firing tests have displayed excellent performance of EPVD®-applied coatings. The objective of the proposed work is to continue the investigation and development of the EPVD® technology and coatings to improve application quality and consistency with the goal of achieving higher throughput when coating medium caliber gun barrels. During the proposed effort new surface quality control techniques will be developed, investigated and optimized; coating application parameters will be studied, improved and tested; a new coating deposition algorithm will be developed and analyzed; coating deposition rate will be improved, optimized, tested, and implemented on EPVD® coating prototype , leading to application of refractory coating alloys to medium caliber gun barrels and their fire-testing.