SBIR/STTR Award attributes
This Phase I SBIR develops and tests a system for vibrating neural implant floating arrays during insertion to reduce insertion forcedimplingtissue damageand bleedingThe approach will allow precise insertion of electrode shanks into shallow cortical layersThis proposal is in response to PARBRAIN InitiativeDevelopmentOptimizationand Validation of Novel Tools and Technologies for Neuroscience ResearchProblem to be solvedPenetrating electrode arrays provide direct access to neural signals across the central and peripheral nervous system with high spatial resolutionSophisticated floating array implants may revolutionize treatment for a range of medical conditionsincluding prosthetic motor control and proprioception for amputeesand brain machine interfacing for paraplegicsUnfortunatelyimplantation of floating arrayswhich are commonly comprised of numerous high density electrode shanksapplies forces to neural tissue resulting in substantial compressiondimplingThis dimpling often prohibits uniform shank insertionincreases trauma and bleeding at the implant site and may accentuate glial scaringneural cell deathand device failureCurrent insertion procedures for high density floating arrays employ high speed and or pneumatic insertion systems or manual insertionwhich can cause significant bleeding and tissue damageThis project develops an Ultrasonic Precision Insertion system for Floating ArraysUPIND FAto reduce insertion forcetissue dimpling and damageultimately enhancing electrode placement accuracy and functionalityHypothesisUltrasonic vibration of high density neural electrode floating arraysFAswill reduce dimpling to facilitate complete insertion of all electrode shanks without requiring advancement beyond target depthovershootreduce Foreign Body ResponseFBRdue to insertion trauma and improve electrode performanceas compared to non vibrated and or high speed insertioni eCommercial pneumatic inserterAimDevelopment of UPIND FA for insertion of FAswith minimized dimpling and insertion forceand easy releaseAcceptance Criteriaandgtreduction in tissue dimpling and insertion force compared to non vibrated insertionimproved insertion accuracym of target depthof all electrode shanks at shallow depthsandltmover a commercial insertionandltm perturbation of FA body during release post insertionAimShow that UPIND FA successfully inserts floating arrays in vivo without electrode damageAcceptance Criteriaandgtreduction in dimpling compared to control insertioncomplete insertion of all electrode shanks without target depth overshootsignificant improvement in array performance and reduction in brain FBRpandltAimConfirm UPIND FA array insertion in vivo in a gyrencephalic neocortex significantly reduces tissue damage and brain FBR over non vibrated and the commercial insertionsAcceptance Criteriaandgtdimpling reduction over control insertioncomplete insertion of all electrode shanks without target depth overshootand significantpandltreduction in brain FBR compared to the commercial pneumatic inserter Project NarrativeRelevancePenetrating electrode arrays can provide direct access to neural signals across the central and peripheral nervous system with high spatial resolutionChronic electrode implants could revolutionize treatment for a range of medical conditionsincluding prosthetic motor control and proprioception for amputeesand brain machine interfacing for paraplegicsUnfortunatelydevice implantation applies forces to the neural tissue resulting in significant brain compressiondimplingat the implant sitewhich increases risk of implantation traumableeding and inflammationThis project will develop the Ultrasonic Precision Insertion of Neural DevicesUPINDsystem for floating microwire arraysUPIND applies ultrasonic energy to electrode arrays during insertionlowering insertion force and enabling greater placement control while reducing tissue trauma