Clinical Study attributes
This study aims to evaluate the safety and feasibility of administering AZA in conjunction with steroids as first line therapy for GI GVHD. A risk for patients who have received a transplant from another donor is graft versus host disease (GVHD). This happens because of differences between the donated cells (graft) and the patient body's cells (host). The new cells from the donor might see the patients body's cells as different and attack them. GVHD can be very serious and cause death. The standard first treatment for GVHD is corticosteroids but not all patients respond and they then have to receive other treatments. In addition, when GHVD involves the gut it can damage stem cells and can cause long term gut problems such as abdominal pain bowel disturbance. In laboratory studies giving a medicine called 5 -azacytidine (AZA) has been able to protect the gut stem cells and help them recover. In this trial we would like to see if AZA can do the same thing when given with steroids in patients with GVHD. Right now, doctors and researchers don't know the best treatment for GVHD. Acute GVHD is usually treated using high-dose corticosteroids, but these don't always work well. Even if the GVHD gets better when it involves the gut there can be long term damage to gut stem cells. In the laboratory 5 azacytidine (AZA) has been able to protect gut stem cells and help them recover and the investigators would like to learn if this happens in people too. AZA has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with leukemias. It has also been used post transplant to try and risk the chance of leukemia coming back and to try and treat GVHD but AZA has not been approved by the FDA for the treatment of acute GVHD.