20th Century Animation, Inc. (originally known as Fox Family Films, Fox Animation Studios, and 20th Century Fox Animation and sometimes referred to as Fox Animation) is an American animation studio located in Century City, Los Angeles.
20th Century Animation, Inc. (originally known as Fox Family Films, Fox Animation Studios, and 20th Century Fox Animation and sometimes referred to as Fox Animation) is an American animation studio located in Century City, Los Angeles. Formed in 1994, it is organized as a division and label of 20th Century Studios (formerly 20th Century Fox), a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Studios, and is tasked with producing animated feature-length films. At one point, 20th Century Animation had two subsidiaries: Fox Animation Studios, which was shut down on June 26, 2000 and Blue Sky Studios (the latter became the primary unit of 20th Century Animation), which was closed on April 10, 2021.
The studio has produced a total of 29 feature films (6 films as Fox Family Films, 3 films from Fox Animation Studios, 13 feature films from Blue Sky Studios, and 7 original films), most of them being distributed by 20th Century Studios. Their first film was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and their first animated film was Anastasia, with the most recent release being The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, which was released by Walt Disney Pictures. Its upcoming slate of productions include The Bob's Burgers Movie and Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again.
20th Century Animation, Inc. (originally known as Fox Family Films, Fox Animation Studios, and 20th Century Fox Animation and sometimes referred to as Fox Animation) is an American animation studio located in Century City, Los Angeles.
20th Century Animation, Inc. (originally known as Fox Family Films, Fox Animation Studios, and 20th Century Fox Animation and sometimes referred to as Fox Animation) is an American animation studio located in Century City, Los Angeles. Formed in 1994, it is organized as a division and label of 20th Century Studios (formerly 20th Century Fox), a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Studios, and is tasked with producing animated feature-length films. At one point, 20th Century Animation had two subsidiaries: Fox Animation Studios, which was shut down on June 26, 2000 and Blue Sky Studios (the latter became the primary unit of 20th Century Animation), which was closed on April 10, 2021.
The studio has produced a total of 29 feature films (6 films as Fox Family Films, 3 films from Fox Animation Studios, 13 feature films from Blue Sky Studios, and 7 original films), most of them being distributed by 20th Century Studios. Their first film was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and their first animated film was Anastasia, with the most recent release being The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, which was released by Walt Disney Pictures. Its upcoming slate of productions include The Bob's Burgers Movie and Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again.
February 9, 2021
January 17, 2020