Name | Description | Patent Applicant | Current Assignee | Inventor | Patent Jurisdiction | Patent Number | Date of Patent | ||
Patent 10475225 was granted and assigned to Intel on November, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10475225 | November 12, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 10326768 was granted and assigned to Google on June, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10326768 | June 18, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 10324960 was granted and assigned to Google on June, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10324960 | June 18, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 7885931 was granted and assigned to Samsung on February, 2011 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7885931 | February 8, 2011 | |||||||
Patent 11399296 was granted and assigned to Sony on July, 2022 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11399296 | July 26, 2022 | |||||||
Patent 10019741 was granted and assigned to Western Digital on July, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10019741 | July 10, 2018 | |||||||
Patent 10127403 was granted and assigned to Samsung on November, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10127403 | November 13, 2018 | |||||||
Patent 10387559 was granted and assigned to Google on August, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10387559 | August 20, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 7143939 was granted and assigned to Intel on December, 2006 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7143939 | December 5, 2006 | |||||||
Patent 9209973 was granted and assigned to Google on December, 2015 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9209973 | December 8, 2015 | |||||||
Patent 9898849 was granted and assigned to Intel on February, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9898849 | February 20, 2018 | |||||||
Patent 8396708 was granted and assigned to Samsung on March, 2013 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 8396708 | March 12, 2013 | |||||||
Patent 9589357 was granted and assigned to Intel on March, 2017 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9589357 | March 7, 2017 | |||||||
Patent 11388770 was granted and assigned to Samsung on July, 2022 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11388770 | July 12, 2022 | |||||||
Patent 10199354 was granted and assigned to Intel on February, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10199354 | February 5, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 10311492 was granted and assigned to Google on June, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10311492 | June 4, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 9489760 was granted and assigned to Intel on November, 2016 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9489760 | November 8, 2016 | |||||||
Patent 10025379 was granted and assigned to Google on July, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10025379 | July 17, 2018 | |||||||
Patent 9330483 was granted and assigned to Intel on May, 2016 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9330483 | May 3, 2016 | |||||||
Patent 9460541 was granted and assigned to Intel on October, 2016 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9460541 | October 4, 2016 | |||||||
Patent 9799587 was granted and assigned to Sony on October, 2017 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9799587 | October 24, 2017 | |||||||
Patent 8235529 was granted and assigned to Google on August, 2012 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 8235529 | August 7, 2012 | |||||||
Patent 9936165 was granted and assigned to Intel on April, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9936165 | April 3, 2018 | |||||||
Patent 8660358 was granted and assigned to Google on February, 2014 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 8660358 | February 25, 2014 | |||||||
Patent 9361510 was granted and assigned to Intel on June, 2016 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9361510 | June 7, 2016 |