Name | Description | Patent Applicant | Current Assignee | Inventor | Patent Jurisdiction | Patent Number | Date of Patent | ||
Patent 10057243 was granted and assigned to Mocana on August, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10057243 | August 21, 2018 | |||||||
Patent 11293641 was granted and assigned to General Electric on April, 2022 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11293641 | April 5, 2022 | |||||||
11693763 | July 4, 2023 | ||||||||
Patent 10381003 was granted and assigned to Toyota on August, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10381003 | August 13, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 10289584 was granted and assigned to Toshiba on May, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10289584 | May 14, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 11041650 was granted and assigned to Honeywell on June, 2021 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11041650 | June 22, 2021 | |||||||
Patent 10935245 was granted and assigned to General Electric on March, 2021 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10935245 | March 2, 2021 | |||||||
Patent 11668236 was granted and assigned to General Electric on June, 2023 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11668236 | June 6, 2023 | |||||||
Patent 10171297 was granted and assigned to Honeywell on January, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10171297 | January 1, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 9811249 was granted and assigned to Honeywell on November, 2017 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9811249 | November 7, 2017 | |||||||
Patent 11169259 was granted and assigned to Bosch (company) on November, 2021 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11169259 | November 9, 2021 | |||||||
Patent 11054796 was granted and assigned to Honeywell on July, 2021 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11054796 | July 6, 2021 | |||||||
Patent 11150111 was granted and assigned to Bosch (company) on October, 2021 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11150111 | October 19, 2021 | |||||||
Patent 11277087 was granted and assigned to Toshiba on March, 2022 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11277087 | March 15, 2022 | |||||||
Patent 11275037 was granted and assigned to General Electric Company on March, 2022 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11275037 | March 15, 2022 | |||||||
Patent 7661298 was granted and assigned to Bosch on February, 2010 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7661298 | February 16, 2010 | |||||||
Patent 10178800 was granted and assigned to Honeywell on January, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10178800 | January 8, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 7917277 was granted and assigned to Toyota on March, 2011 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7917277 | March 29, 2011 | |||||||
Patent 6876137 was granted and assigned to General Electric Company on April, 2005 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 6876137 | April 5, 2005 | |||||||
Patent 11608795 was granted and assigned to General Electric Company on March, 2023 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11608795 | March 21, 2023 | |||||||
Patent 11628766 was granted and assigned to Toyota on April, 2023 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 11628766 | April 18, 2023 | |||||||
Patent 7904297 was granted and assigned to Bosch on March, 2011 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7904297 | March 8, 2011 | |||||||
Patent 7106263 was granted and assigned to Bosch (company) on September, 2006 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7106263 | September 12, 2006 | |||||||
Patent 10975731 was granted and assigned to General Electric on April, 2021 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10975731 | April 13, 2021 | |||||||
Patent 10159872 was granted and assigned to Toyota on December, 2018 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10159872 | December 25, 2018 |